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Friday, July 12, 2013


Leaving Germany was bitter sweet. There was still so much to see and now we had made so many friends along the way, we did not want to leave! But, we had to go. So yesterday we left Munich and headed to Lucerne, Switzerland. We are staying with a friends' mom. This place feels like paradise!! We even have to take a boat to get to her house. We have a breath taking view from our bed rooms of the mountain framed lake. Behind us are beautiful green hills where free cows roam. We are getting totally spoiled by our "mommy" She prepared us a beautiful dinner which we enjoyed on the deck outside. We then, went for a hike through the hills and picked fresh cherries from trees that lined our path. They were the sweetest cherries  I have ever had. Once we returned it was dark and nearly 11pm so we sat outside and she prepared us mint tea, fresh cherry coffee cake she made from scratch, and ice cream. 

Today, we woke up to a huge beautiful breakfast & had even packed us a lunch to go! She has been so kind and lovingly tending to our every need! We then met up with our friend, and her son, Siham in the city. We walked around ALL DAY! Stopped for a break and a white wine spritzer, which are very popular here, and enjoyed all the tourist shopping spots. We just window shopped cuz this place is CRAZY EXPENSIVE! My usual Starbucks drink is usually $2.55 but here... It's a whopping 9 Swiss francs!!! No thank you! After a full day of walking around and exploring the city with Siham, we met a sister from his old congregation and she suggested a great place for dinner. Unfortunately, she already had plans and couldn't stay, but we hope she will visit California one day. A brother from Siham's hall also joined us for a little while, he had just come from evening witnessing as they have their campaign going on right now. We didn't spoil any of the great surprises though! Their convention is this weekend. Then Rachel & Brittany's friend Jonas and his girlfriend met us for dinner as well. So we ended up going to a restaurant with a fun atmosphere and that was easy on the bank, well... Easier. I still ended up paying 26 francs for a simple burger and fries!! 
We had a blast with them! Jonas and Siham are hilarious together!! I'm so sad we only had one night with them, but at the same time, this place is so stinkin expensive, there's no way I can stay here much longer! Siham will be in the states soon anyways. Probably the end of July or August, so I look forward to hanging out again then at least. 

It's nearly 1am here right now and we have to be on the boat to get back to the city at 7 am :/ I do not want to wake up that early!! So tomorrow we will arrive in Verona, Italy by 5pm! Can't wait!!
The view from the train from Munich to Zurich. 
The view from my bedroom
Breakfast and bible reading outside on the deck enjoying Jehovah's beautiful creation & united brotherhood!
This is a very popular drink here in Switzerland. It's made from milk serum. I guess they keep filtering it over and over. It tastes NOTHING like milk tho! It's packed with the nutrients of milk but its carbonated and tastes more similar to Sprite or 7up yet it still contains some dairy. Very different, but good. 
Rachel pretending she can read the German newspaper to seem intellectual lol
My yummy fruit white wine spritzer!
Our dinner group. Jonas, Sharry, Siham, me & Britt. 

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