After some shopping, and lunch we went to the pier. It was such a perfect and beautiful day for the beach! Not a cloud in the sunny sky, and a nice cool sea breeze. We put our toes in the water and sat in sand for a long time and just talked. It was such a nice relaxing day with the girls! When we were practically being attacked by baby sand crabs we decided to go find some ice cream. We lingered through some touristy gift shops and browsed little candy stores as well. We took our time returning to the pier and once the sun had finally set we decided to go back to State St. And maybe do just a little bit more shopping. Well... Everything except this weird costume store was closed so we had no choice but to try on ridiculous hats and outfits! It was so fun! I even ended up getting an adorable vintage looking ring for $2. Can't beat that!
So it was getting late, and I had work in the morning so we grabbed a quick dinner to eat on the road and began the 2 hour trek back home.
I love days like this. It was so last minute. So spur of the moment. And so enjoyable! Did I have other errands to run today- of course. However, I know what it's like to be the tourist/ guest/ visitor; and it's nice when others make time to show you around plus, when you take care of people you just feel good! I love hosting friends from out of the country. So to all of my friends in Korea, Hong Kong, Germany, England, Italy, Switzerland, or France out there reading this... COME TO CALIFORNIA! Like.... Now!
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