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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hello from Seoul!

Well we made it! After a very... very long flight, we arrived at Incheon Airport. Once we went through customs and got our baggage, we were greeted by a full crowd of our brothers and sisters! They were all holding up signs and cheering "welcome!" It was so special. I have never felt love quite like that before! They attacked us with gifts, flowers, and selfies! It was the coolest experience ever! Once I started handing out my bookmarks, I had a swarm of friends around me waiting for theirs! 

After the mob died down a young brother took us to the Hospitality Desk at the airport where we received our delegate badges, and the most amazing welcome bag from Korea Bethel!! They went all out for us! It seriously made me cry just thinking of all of the hard work, generosity, and genuine love that went into this whole thing! I'll post a photo of the bag too. They made us a tote bag with the convention theme printed on it, inside it had a beautiful fan that says international convention 2014 Seoul Korea. It also had a BEAUTIFUL notebook for the convention every page is full of color, it has the entire program printed in it as well as the title of each talk on each page. In the back there are beautiful blank pages, so I'd like to use that to get contact information from the friends. It also has Song 134 "See yourself when all is new" in Korean so that we can sing that song with them! I'm so excited, but Krystal and I need to practice that a bit before haha! There was also a fleece blanket in the gift bag! It also has the convention theme on it. They made is postcards to send home, and a beautiful daily bible reading schedule. I will treasure these things forever! 

Once we left the airport we had a long bus ride to our hotel but there was a couple from LA on the bus and they were going to the same hotel, so we enjoyed getting to know them on the way. 

When we arrived, there was another hospitality desk with ANOTHER welcome bag! These friends just keep spoiling us! This one contained a seat pad for the convention that folds up and came with a carrying sleeve, a handkerchief that says international convention 2014 and the name of our hotel, it also contained a beautiful metal bookmark. It is one of my favorite things we've received so far. It's white and glittery and I just love it so much! 

After we settled into our room we went out for a walk around town. Tried to make some friends but everyone was on tours so the hotel was pretty empty. We had fun getting to know the friends working the hospitality desk though. They are so loving! While we were out walking around, I dropped my phone and shattered the screen. When I told them they were all running around, working with the hotel staff, making phone calls, printing up maps all to help me get it fixed. It turned out to be crazy expensive here so they laughed as they all helped me tape up my screen so that the glass wouldn't continue to come off or cut me. It was pretty funny, but hopefully it will be pretty cheap to fix in Hong Kong. Otherwise I'll just wait till I get back home. Until then... I can't take anymore selfies lol 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tonya.... I am getting butterflies just by reading. It is as though I am right there with you.... so happy for you two. Enjoy Jah's loving family.... Lo
