Yesterday, we toured the Bethel Branch in Rome, Italy. It was a beautiful but smaller branch office. Home to about 350 members, there are 2 parts. Bethel 1 is the main facility, while Bethel 2 is a separate office closer to the city. This office is where the first missionaries started out. Then, as we grew and needed more space Bethel 1 was purchased. On another property we also have the farm. Where they produce their fruits, vegetable, and meats. They also make their own wine, olive oil and honey! Because the space is so limited, we were not able to enjoy lunch with he family as we were able to in Germany. But I would've loved to try that wine! ^_^ afterwards we got lost for about 4 hours. Missing buses, taking wrong buses, and experiences the most disgusting metro system I've ever seen. All in all, it was a great tour of what the city is really like! Haha we once we finally headed back to our hotel we were exhausted from all of the walking we did an packed up and got ready for France! Nice, get ready.... Here we come!
Bethel Italy
We also met some friends public witnessing at the Roma Trimini, or main bus/train station, here there are 2 men accepting lots of literature in different languages. There was an Italian brother, an Arabic speaking sister, and a French speaking sister. It's so nice to see the interest and productivity of this special avenue of service!
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