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Sunday, July 21, 2013

London Calling

We are in London! We arrived Friday evening and after getting lost numerous times... We finally made it to the hotel! Saturday we woke up early to attend the Bible Tour at the British Museum. It was AMAZING! It was such a powerful history lesson designed to encourage us and strengthen our faith. Boy, did it ever! Our tour was about Abraham & Sarah and the example of obedience that they set. The faith that they had to leave Ur an all that was there took real reliance on Jehovah. There were so many modern day applications as well. We were in a group of about 20. In it, we ran into a brother from LA whom we've seen around, but never really met before. We had a ton of mutual friends in common with him and he was traveling alone so he was excited to see some familiar faces. We also met 2 sisters from Toronto, Canada that we really got close to! After the tour, the 6 of us went to Starbucks together and the time flew by. The three of them had also scheduled an afternoon Bible Tour. We hasn't, but they convinced us to try to go anyways. It worked out perfect, they were full but a group of friends from London had a reservation for 10 but only 6 showed up so we got in! We ended up getting the closest to this group of 6! They came up to us immediately when they heard us talking to each tiger because we didn't have accents and they were hosting a brother from New Jersey. He was so excited to meet friends from the states. But our group was too large for the tour so we got split up :( so we made arrangements to meet after the tour to hang out. We found them and they played your guide all over the city! They even invited us over for a BBQ after! We had the best time with these friends! We saw Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the Park, the Gardens and so much more... When we went to the BBQ it was even better because they also had friends from their congregation over as well and we got to make even more new friends. The bad news is... I was having so much fun I didn't take any pictures with them!! I'm so sad about that!!! Hopefully we will see each other again soon. 
Entering the British Museum
Seeing familiar faces like this, only happens in Jehovah's organization!
Stones from a royal palace. 

Big Ben
Buckingham Palace. 

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