We had too much fun on Saturday and we got in crazy late. We were so tired we didn't make it to the 10am meeting we had planned on attending. But, the friends we hung out with after the museum had 5pm meeting. So we made the 2 hour journey back to their area and it was so worth it! The Hornchurch Congregation was so warm and loving! They made us feel right at home and afterwards they all came over with hugs and kisses so excited to have Americans because they loved our accents. It was so strange haha. Afterwards, the Unwin Family, who had the BBQ the night before, invited us out for Indian food after meeting. The Unwin's are the sweetest family ever! I just adored Sister Unwin, she's the sweetest little Asian pioneer sister with an English accent- it's adorable! Brother Unwin is hilarious!!! Katie, their daughter is a pioneer who had just gotten back from serving 6 months in Malaysia! And last but not least Jonathan, who is also a pioneer and was the tour guide. He knew lots of history behind the things we were seeing which made it much more interesting. They are both such awesome role models of young pioneers using their singleness in the best way possible. An older single sister Theresa also joined us. I just love her! She must have told me at least 10 times at dinner that I need to return and stay with her next time. I definitely intend on taking her up on that offer! The watchtower conductor a younger brother, Justice, also joined us. We had such a good time at dinner we didn't want to leave!! But sadly, we had to go back to the train station before we missed the last train. It sucked saying bye! The only positive thing was we were going to Bethel the next morning and Yawh (the brother visiting from Jersey) was joining us.
So we headed to London Bethel and ran super late cuz all of our trains got delayed. Yao ended up getting there early so he took the tour without us. He met an awesome brother Manny as his tour guide. When we finally got there it was almost time for lunch and Manny had gotten Yawh in, but didn't know about us. So we waited in the lobby and met lots of friends from all over so it was cool. When we took our tour Yawh joined us for another tour. We ran into Manny and he invited us to meet up with him and some friends visiting from Denmark for dinner that night. It was so much fun! We walked around Camden Town which was much more hipster than I expected. We got take away Chinese that was insanely cheap and walked around the graffiti-filled market place. On the train ride home we were hit with a terrible realization- we were leaving in the morning. Saying bye to our new little bro was sooo hard! We had gotten so close so fast. I'm still a little heartbroken over London. I plan on returning ASAP!!
Dinner after meeting.
London Bethel
Waiting for our tour!
Getting silly in the printery!
Cheapest dinner ever! Hangin out in Camden Town.
Yawh!! My little bro from Jersey! Always dressed on point!
Hanging out in the park with new friends.
Can't wait for Jersey to visit us in LA
Walkin around the city.
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