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Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Hello again, and sorry for the delay! I told a few of you I would be keeping you all up to date on our Unassigned Territory Trip. I apologize for not doing so this far. We have had an amazing trip! Great experiences in the ministry, drawing closer to each other, and deepening our appreciation & love for Jehovah together with a morning and evening worship program has been so refreshing and upbuilding!

Now, I'll tell you what happened. 

Friday Night: Picking Up The Rentals. 
As you may know, there were 22 that ended up on this trip. So naturally we needed some large vehicles. We arranged to rent 2 mini vans, plus we would be taking the Price's van as well as Sister Mendoza's SUV. Once I went to the rental place we ran into a few issues. One of them being that they only had ONE van! So after much deliberation, they gave me a free upgrade to a Suburban. And now we're living that BURB LIFE as Josh Gilson dubbed it!

Saturday Morning: So we met dark and early, luggage in hand, sleep in our eyes, and excitment in our speech. Ready for whatever we may find in Utah, be it LDS enthusiats, agnostics, and maybe just maybe, someone in search of answers. 

We arrived in Utah around 7 in the evening, we pulled up and our house was even better than expected. Just imagine, 22 people all staying in one giant house!! We are enjoying every minute of it, we have truly become a family in the blink of an eye.

Sunday: We started off with a study of the Watchtower, the bold singing was comparable to the circuit pioneer meeting! Our first day here was also our recreation day; a day to sit back, relax and prepare for the busy week ahead. We took a drive to Bridal Veil Falls, and Sundance. We climbed a beautiful waterfall, drove through enchanting woods, and took in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. 

Here are some photos of the trip thus far...

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